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Education Monograph (1993)
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Education Monograph (1993)
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Education Monograph (1993): Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 37-48 de 113
Quality must match quantity in Africa's education output
Workshop report on realising women's rights through human rights education: Kigali, Rwanda 19 - 21 October 2005
Final report: conference of African states on the development of education in Africa Addis Ababa, 15-25 may 1961
Integrating occupational testing, career guidance and counseling practices into education, training and employment programmes: report of an advisory mission to the government to Lesotho Maseru, 3 to 6 February 1987
Education staff training development programme: Report of national training workshop in educational planning and administration
Coping with cost recovery: a study of the social impact of and responses to cost recovery in basic services (health and education) in poor communities in Zambia
UNICEF develops education in Southern Somali
Report on UNECA MRAG mission to the 7th IOSTE symposium on science and technology education in a demanding society held in veldhoven the Netherlands
Education staff development programme: the role of educational vocational guidance and counselling service in educational planning for development needs
Reform in higher education and the use of information technology: a survey of the state of higher education in Africa
Report of technical support to the National educational planning seminar for educational administrators, planners, curriculum development personnel and teacher educators on the orientation of educational policies, programmes and practices : Msimbazi centre, Dar es Salaam Tanzania 15-27 February 1988
Report of the national workshop for educational planners, curriculum developers and educational administrators on the principles and methods of educational planning : Malawi, Institute of education Domasi (Malawi) 17-28 November, 1986
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