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AuteurLuguga, Lucy. (1)SujetSTATISTICAL SERIES (19)STATISTICAL SERVICES (18)SERVICES STATISTIQUES (15)SERVICIOS ESTADISTICOS (15)SERIES ESTADISTICAS (14)... View MoreDate2010 - 2013 (5)2000 - 2009 (2)1990 - 1999 (11)1980 - 1989 (11)1970 - 1979 (22)1969 - 1969 (3)TypeNewsletter (18)Series (5)Working paper (5)Technical paper (3)Conference document (2)Reports (2)SérieIssue paper(African Development Forum) (2)Issue paper(African Development Forum): (2)African population news letter = Information sur la population en Afrique (1)African Statistical Newsletter (1)African trade=Commerce Africain (1)Research Series (African Training and Research Centre for Women) (1)Statistical and economic information bulletin for Africa (1)Has File(s)Yes (35)No (19)
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