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Education Monograph (1993)
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Education Monograph (1993)
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Education Monograph (1993): Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 13-24 de 113
The development and utilization of human resources in Africa : from the point of view of the supply of qualified personnel : the reform of educational systems, the planning of education and the training of planners
Report on regional co-operation seminar for education and development in Africa using space communication : Addis Ababa, 27 September -1 October 1976
Population growth and educational expenditures in ECA Member States
The developing countries of Africa and the reform of the internationl monetary system : facilities for higher management education, training and research
Regional expert group meeting on higher management education and training in Africa: the East African community mangement institute
Education staff training development programme: teacher education
Report to the conference of ministers responsible for human resource planning, development and utilization on the economic crisis, structural adjustment and higher education in Africa
Reforming and revitalizing higher education sector crucial for Africa's development, experts say
Experts dialogue on higher education, STI & the African integration & development agenda set for Dakar
Reorientation of educational curricula towards new development challenges and education for peace
Present situation of China's education of surveying and mapping
Teacher education
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