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Survey of Economic and social conditions in Africa (2008)
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Survey of Economic and social conditions in Africa (2008)
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Survey of Economic and social conditions in Africa (2008): Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 37-48 de 1077
Report on follow-up actions taken on matters referred to the economic commission for Africa by the 21st meeting of the governing council of the regional centre for services in surveying, mapping and remote sensing, Nairobi (5 and 6 August 1988)
Survey of economic and social conditions in African least developed countries 1981-1982 = Etudes des conditions economiques et sociales dans les pays Africains les moins avances 1981-1982 : statistical annex = annexe statistique
Mission report : Hold Consultations with ECA sub-Regional Centre (SRDC) in Tangier and the secretariat of the Maghreb Arab Union (UMA) in Rabat and collect data on tariff and non-tariff barriers and other impediments to the ongoing process of economic integration in North African subregion
Economic and social conditions in West Africa in 2003 and outlook for 2004
Survey of Economic Conditions in Africa, 1973 : Summary
Declaration and programme of action of the world summit for social summit
Sustainable agriculture and environmental rehabilitation programme (SAERP) the wereda agriculture and rural development integrated services(WARDIS) UNECA : Household level socio-economic survey covering all administrative zones/woredas of the Gambella region, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Report on mission to ministry of economic planning and development and UNICEF country office, Malawi, on arrangements for collection of data to monitor the national plan of action on children and the mid-decade goals, 1- 7 may, 1995
Mission report on data and information collection on social and economic condition of West African subregional countries: with emphasis on gender
Resolution adopted by the economic and social council / 1553 (XLIX): preparatory study on regional structures
Rapport de la conférénce sousrégionale de suivi du sommet mondial pour le développement social : sous-région de I'Afrique du Nord
Rapport sur la situation économique et sociale en Afrique de l'ouest en 1998, et perspectives pour 1999
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