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Private Sector: Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 37-48 de 293
La CEA s’associe au secteur privé pour stimuler la croissance en Afrique, dit Songwe
L’Éthiopie et la CEA signent un accord pour lancer les rénovations de Africa Hall
Rapport d'enquete: Comment la Zone de libre-echange continentale africaine est-elle percue par Ie secteur prive dans la communauté d'Afrique de l'Est?
Survey report: Perception of the East African Community private sector on the African Continental Free Trade Area
Rapport de la vingt-cinquième réunion du Comité intergouvernemental de hauts fonctionnaires et d’experts pour l’Afrique australe
Draft report of the first session of the Committee on Private Sector Development, Regional Integration, Trade, Infrastructure, Industry and Technology
Report of the first session of the committee on private sector development, regional integration, trade, infrastructure, industry and technology
The private sector and regional integration in southern Africa:accelerating opportunities for investment and growth
Can foreign direct investment lead to growth? The case of Ghana (1970-2006)
Determinants and constraints to private investment:the case of Kenya
Framework for a renewed United Nations and African Union Partnership on Africa’s integration and development agenda, joint United Nations-African Union Framework for enhanced partnership in peace and security and the African Union-United Nations framework for the implementation of agenda 2063 and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development in the context of the work of regional coordination mechanism for Africa
Twenty-second quarterly briefing meeting with African ambassadors
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