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Speeches: Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 1-12 de 1477
Address delivered by H.E. Habib Bourguiba, president of the republic of Tunisia: conference of the heads of states and governments
Caucus Meeting of African Central Banks’ Governors: statement by Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of ECA
Global Growth Conference: statement by Carlos Lopes, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA
3rd Africa Europe Youth Leaders’ Summit People, Prosperity and Peace: Youth Leadership, Youth entrepreneurship employment and Youth for Peace
“Dynamic Industrial Policy in Africa – Innovative Institutions, Effective Processes and Flexible Mechanisms”: statement By Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of ECA
Introductory meeting of the Summit for Financing Africa’s Infrastructure: statement by Carlos Lopes, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA
Opening Speech by H.E. Ato Ahmed Shide, State Minister, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development on the meeting of the Committee on Trade, Regional Cooperation and Integration
Opening statement by Mr. Carlos Lopes at the Dakar financing summit for Africa’s infrastructure: Dakar financing summit for Africa’s infrastructure
Consideration and adoption of the draft report and draft resolutions of the committee of experts: introductory remarks by the rapporteur
Statement by Mr. Carlos Lopes at the 22nd ordinary session of the African Union executive council
Opening statement of Mrs. Fatima Haram Acyl, Commissioner for Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission on the occasion of the 3rd Ordinary Session of the Conference of Ministers responsible for mineral resources development
Seminar on the theme "Pan-Africanism and African renaissance” statement by Mr. Carlos Lopes: statement by Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA Seminar on the theme "Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance”
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