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Historical (2014 and below): Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 85-96 de 9555
Report : ECA Training Seminar on Incentives for the development and application of science and technology in Africa
First report of the task force on: evaluation of the implementation and future of the Addis Ababa plan of action for statistical development in Africa in the 1990s
Social and commercial benefits of geoinformation
Progress reports on implementation of work programme for 1980 and related activities
Report of the joint study team on the establishment of a development Bank for the Eastern and Southern African subregion
Mineral raw materials in Africa : chromium resources in Africa
Study on soil erosion and destruction of land resources: issues and trends in Africa
African development bank currency of the equity capital
Trade promotion amongst the countries of North Africa : the contribution of the industrial sector to trade in North Africa
Report of the Ad-Hoc expert group meeting on "The possibilities of increasing intra-regiional and external trade as well as net investment transfers in west Africa : Regional strategic options and consequences from the point of view of action"
The primary forest industries of Africa
Manual on improving the quality of statistics in Africa
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