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Historical (2014 and below): Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 61-72 de 9555
Directory of statistical training centres and associate centres participating in the statistical training programme for Africa (STPA) = repertoire des centres de formation statistique et des centres associes particpant au programm de formation statistique pour l;Afrique (PFSA)
Incidence des nouveaux services de messagérie expresse sur le secteur postal en Afrique
The second United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa (UNTCDA II): subregional strategies for North Africa .
Evaluation de la participation populaire à l'élaboration et la mise en oeuvre des politiques et des programmes de développement: étude de cas de l'Ouganda
Poverty alleviation and environmental conservation: a training manual .
Underlining principles for enhanced dialogue, co-operation and interface between governments and peoples' organizations
Etat de l'intégration régional en Afrique V : vers une zone de libre-échange continentale Africaine
Report on mission to participate in the : 15th meeting of the Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development(CASD); ii.3rd meeting of the casd sub-committee on organization and managment of national statistical systems;and iii.2nd meeting of the CASD sub-committee on research methods and standards
The transition of Mozambique from emergency to long-term development : report of a UNECA needs assessment mission
Report on mision to Malawi and Zimbabwe to collect information on ethanol production and utilization in the transport sector: 19 - 30 June 1990
Sustainable agriculture and environmental rehabilitation programme (SAERP) the wereda agriculture and rural development integrated services(WARDIS) UNECA : household level socio-economic survey for the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region
Integrated development of the pharmaceutical industry in the North African subregion
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