Provisional summary record of the first plenary meeting
Modern cartography plays a leading role in many sectors of human activity, not only for the maintenance of peace, economic development and social progress, but even in the service of the needs and recreation of daily life. ...
Conversion of the Yaoundé statistical training centre into an African statistical training institute: resolution 146(VII) adopted by the commission at its 126th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965
This draft resolution 146(VII) adopted by the commission at its 126th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965 on the seventh session of the commission. Recognizing the importance of statistics in the process of economic and ...
Draft resolution: Increase in the activities and staff of the subregional offices
This draft resolution of agenda item 6 concerning increase in the activities and staff of the sub-regional offices. The resolution considering resolution 23 (III) in which it decided to establish sub-regional offices in ...
Improvement of technical co-operation in training in Africa: resolution 123(VII) adopted by the commission at its 125th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965
This draft resolution 123(VII) adopted by the commission at its 125th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965 on improvement of technical co-operation in training in Africa. the resolution considering that training at all ...
Draft resolution: economic co-operation in Central Africa
This draft resolution recognizing the importance of economic co-operation between the member states of the Commission and, in particular, the logical and practical desirability of such co-operation at the sub-regional ...
Draft resolution: Economic co-operation in the North African sub-region
This draft resolution agenda item 6 at eighth session of the commission concerning Economic co-operation in the North African sub-region. The sub-regional meeting on economic cooperation in north Africa held at Tangier in ...
West African transport conference: resolution 32 (III) adopted by the Commission at its 51st plenary meeting on 16 February 1961
This resolution 32 (III) adopted by the Commission at its 51st meeting on 16 February 1961. Having considered documents E/CN.14/63 “Transport Problems in relation to Economic development in West Africa” and E/CN.14/94 ...
Draft report of the committee of nine on procedure for the election of the directors of the African Development Bank
At its fourth session held at Addis Ababa from 13 to 17 July 1964, the Committee of Nine considered Note by the Executive Secretary on the Procedure for the Election of the Directors of the African Development Bank ...
African Development Bank: resolution 133(VII) adopted by the Commission at its 125th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965
This draft resolution 133(VII) adopted by the commission at its 125th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965 on African Development Bank. Convinced of the role the Bank will play in promoting the economic and social development ...