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Survey of Economic and social conditions in Africa (2008)
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Survey of Economic and social conditions in Africa (2008)
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Survey of Economic and social conditions in Africa (2008): Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 13-24 de 1077
Rapport: conférence de suivi du sommet mondial pour le développement social pour les sous- régions de l'Afrique de l'est et de l'Afrique australe
Policy instruments for economic stabilisation and structural adjustment the Nigerian experience
Report on economic & social conditions in Southern Africa, 1998-1999
Crise economique et sociale en Afrique : propositions concretes des des projets relatiefs au role que peuvent jourer la science et la technique
Rapport du Séminaire sur l'amélioration des conditions de vie en milieu rural : Kinkala ( République Populaire du Congo)
Mandat et règlement intérieur de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique : (avec les amendements et les additifs adoptés par le Conseil Economique et social et la Commission jusqu'au 4 aôut 1978)
The human crisis at the country level : Kenya's experience in sustaining the human dimension in spite of the economic crisis
Resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its second regular session of 1991 and by the United Nations general assembly at its forty-sixth session in the economic and social sectors that are of interest to Africa
Report on a mission to Maseru, Lesotho to attend "the 19th advisory council meeting" of the institute of statistics and applied economics, Makerere University, and "the 52nd meeting of the advisory board of the Eastern Africa statistical training centre", Dar-es-Salam 25-30 April, 1995
United Nations transport and communications decade in Africa (1978 - 1988) : report to the economic and social council and the general assemebly (1981 session)
African economic indicators, 1975
Africa's submission to the special session of the United Nations General Assembly on Africa's economic and social crisis
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