Matters arising out of meetings of the economic commission for Africa and out of sessions of the United Nations population commission
This document contains a summary of important discussions held and decisions taken on population and economic and social development at various conferences and meetings organized by ECA and by the United Nations Population ...
Establishment of subregional machinery to enhance the role of women in the progress of economic and social developement in the West African csub-region and to promote and guide the activities of theECA's trainig and research centre for women
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), since its establishment in 1958, has increasingly been concerned that all available human resources for the development of African countries are fully utilized. ECA ...
Establishement of sub-regional machinery to enhance the role of women in the progress of economic and social development in the Central African Sub-region and to promote and guide the activities of the ECA's Training and Research Centre for Women
The mentioned resolutions of Nouakchott and the Conference paper on the Structure and Terms of Reference of the Africa Regional Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development, which is an integral part ...
Establishment of sub regional machinery to enhance the role of women in the process of economic and social development in the East African sub region and to promote and guide the activities of the ECA training and research centre for women
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), since its establishment in 1958, has increasingly been concerned that all available human resources for the development of African countries are fully utilized. To ...
Technical co-operation among developing countries and human resource development : the experience of the African training and research centre for women of the Economic Commission for Africa
The basic idea of technical co-operation among developing countries is a positive one that emerges from the negative consequences of centuries of underdevelopment and rigid bilateral affiliations with metropolitan countries ...
Non-formal education, skills acquisition and the satisfaction of basic needs in rural areas: by ECA secretariat
This philosophy has now become the guiding light of Africa's development planners with each country making its own appropriate interpretations dictated by the prevailing social and economic realities Recently, after it was ...
Pre-co-operative education in the zou(Benin) integrated development project 1972-1974
The term "non-formal" education in our study is used to describe a series of educational and training activities designed to enable the inhabitants of a region to take over all development activities. This experiment, which ...
The social costs and benefits of tourism in Tunisia: summary and conclusions
During 1975, more than one million (1 013 851) foreign tourists visited Tunisia of whom 895 720 were from overseas and 116 131 from African and the Middle East. The majority among the latter group came overland. In this ...
Tourism in Seychelles and its economic impact: executive summary
Tourism in Seychelles and its Economic impact. For tourism purposes Seychelles are among the finest tropical ocean island in the World. The beauty of landscape, the size and quality of its beaches, the opportunities for ...