Establishment of sub-regional offices of the Economic Commission for Africa : draft resolution by Ghana, Liberia and Sudan
This draft resolution presented by Ghana, Liberia and Sudan establishment of sub-regional offices of the economic commission for Africa on the third session of the commission. Recognizing the importance of establishing ...
The impact of the European Economic Coummunity on African Trade
The report accordingly offers a preliminary analysis of some of the possible effects of the Common Market arrangements on particular African export commodities and discusses briefly some of the considerations which need ...
Déclaration de m. Philippe de seynes sous-secrétaire aux affaires économiques et sociales
Cette déclaration présentée par M. Philippe De Seynes, Sous-Secrétaire aux affaires économiques et sociales. Le représentant déclare et fait remarquer dans sa déclaration que l'année qui s'est terminée a été marquée par ...
Economic integration: resolution 142(VII) adopted by the Commission at its 126th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965
This draft resolution 142(VII) adopted by the Commission at its 126th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965 on the theme of Economic Integration. The resolution recommends to the member states of the Commission to set up at ...