Report: Fifth Meeting of the Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development (CASD)
The fifth meeting of the Coordinating Committee on African statistical Development (CASD) was held at ECA headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The report was presented to CASD by the representative of the World Bank on ...
Rapport interimaire sur le projet relatif aux dimensions sociales de l'ajustement le projet dimensions sociales de l'ajustement et ses implications en matière de statistique
Ce document, prépare par M. Timothy Marchant Economiste senior/statisticien, Service du projet DSA, été présente au cours du séminaire organise l'intention des Directeurs des bureaux africains de statistiques, le 12 juillet ...
Ninth Meeting of the Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development: report
The Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development (CASD) held its Ninth meeting at the United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ababa. The meeting considered the provisional agenda contained III document and ...
Review of economic and social conditions in Africa
Economic growth has been markedly reduced in 1993 in most of developing Africa. According to latest ECA estimates, Developing Africa GDP grew a mere 1.4 per cent, after a disappointing 0.7 per cent in 1992, and an average ...
First Forum on African Statistical Development (FASDEV): opening statement By K.Y. Amoako, executive secretary, economic commission for Africa
This opening statement delivered by K.Y. Amoako, Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa at the First Forum on African Statistical Development (FASDEV). Mr. Amoako, on his remarks highlighted that, ECA has ...
The second meeting of the statistical commission for Africa: closing remarks by Dr. Dimitri Sanga Chief, Statistical Development African Centre for Statistics 21 January 2010 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Closing Remarks by Dr. Dimitri Sanga Chief, Statistical Development African Centre for Statistics at the second meeting of statistical commission for Africa. Dr. Sanga, on his remarks highlighted that, This second meeting ...