Economic commission for Africa provisional summary record of the seventeenth meeting : held at African Hall, Addis Ababa, on Tuesday, 27 February 1962, at 9 p.m.
The seventh meeting of the economic and social development focuses on economic development, social development and social welfare and community development stressed certain points with respect to the economic utilization ...
Survey on economic and social conditions in West Africa in 2001 and outlook for 2002
The survey on economic and social conditions in West Africa in 2001 provides background information for the preparation of ECA's annual economic report on Africa for the Conference of African Ministers of Economic and ...
Economic Commission for Africa tenth session first meeting of the conference of ministers : summary records of the nine meeting held at the Bourse du Travail, Tunis, 8-13 February 1971
The Acting chairman declared open the Conference of Ministers convened as the tenth session of the Commission. African countries were perhaps still waiting for someone to demonstrate the priority of supranational Co-operation ...
Background note : the review of the work of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
At the October meeting of the committee of experts of the African ministers of finance planning and economic development it was recommended that an external review be undertaken to assess the impact of economic Commission ...
The importance of the transport system for economic development processes
At first sight it may seem surprising that the transport system is brought into close relation with the economic development. As a rule, industrialization is attributed to other factors, such as the
amount and distribution ...
Communication from the President of the soviet socialist republics
The following telegram dated 18 February 1962 from the President of the Union of Soviet Socialist, Republics, addressed to the President of the fourth session of the Commission, is circulated for the information of participants.
Socio-economic and demographic consequences of HIV/AIDS in ECA memeber states
The consequences of general mortality conditions on socioeconomic aspects and the demographic structure cannot be overemphasized. Resources to be used for alleviating the health problems of a society, distortion in the ...
Draft Report: second meeting of the ministerial follow-up committee of the conference of ministers responsible for economic and social development and planning
The second session of the Ministerial Follow-up Committee of the Conference of Ministers responsible for economic and social development and planning was hosted by the Ministry of Cooperation and Integration in Africa in ...
Economic conditions in Africa, 1971
Between 1969 and 1970 economic growth was moderate in Africa. Estimates of GDP suggest that the increase at constant prices for Africa as a whole was 3.9 percent and for developing Africa 4.2 percent. For 1971 the data are ...
Report of the eighth meeting of the governing council of the African institute for economic development and planning:
The eighth meeting of the IDEP governing council was held in Addis Ababa from 29th to 31st January 1969. The council took note of the mission’s findings and at the same time accepted the mission’s recommendation that an ...