The global financial crisis, showing private capital inflows and economic growth in Rwanda and Burundi
The main objective of this paper was to investigate the impact of FDI on economic growth in Rwanda and Burundi, two member countries of the east African community and CEPGL. The share of FDI in the two countries still ...
Etude des conditions économiques et sociales en Afrique en 2007
Ce document présente des informations sur l'étude des conditions économiques et sociales en Afrique en 2007, des premières réunions annuelles conjointes de la Conférence des ministres de l'économie et des finances de l'UA ...
Survey on economic and social conditions in West Africa in 2001 and outlook for 2002
The survey on economic and social conditions in West Africa in 2001 provides background information for the preparation of ECA's annual economic report on Africa for the Conference of African Ministers of Economic and ...
Information and commumication technology in NEPAD
Access to Information and Communication Technologies is able to transform several jobs and to create new ones and to accelerate the socio-economic development of the continent, the New Partnership for Africa's Development ...
Conditions économique et sociales en Afrique du nord: performance économique - 2004
La partie I du “Rapport sur les conditions sociales et économiques en Afrique du Nord” traite de la performance économique dans l’ensemble de la sous-région. La présentation se concentre sur les domaines qui ont des ...
Conditions économiques sociales conditions économiques et sociales en Afrique du Nord
Les structures économiques des pays d’Afrique du Nord n’ont pas en général connu de changements majeurs au cours des cinq dernières années. Ainsi, la croissance a stagné, à des évènements conjoncturels près, et les taux ...
Background note : the review of the work of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
At the October meeting of the committee of experts of the African ministers of finance planning and economic development it was recommended that an external review be undertaken to assess the impact of economic Commission ...
National Information and Communication Infrastructure (NICI) plans in West Africa
In the global networked economy, information and knowledge have become strategic resources, based on which governments, corporations and the public at large make their decisions. The countries which have created an enabling ...
Draft Report: second meeting of the ministerial follow-up committee of the conference of ministers responsible for economic and social development and planning
The second session of the Ministerial Follow-up Committee of the Conference of Ministers responsible for economic and social development and planning was hosted by the Ministry of Cooperation and Integration in Africa in ...
Aperçu de l'évolution de la situation économique et sociale de l'Afrique, 2006
La croissance de l'économie mondiale reste modérée même si elle s'est légèrement améliorée en 2006 par rapport à 2005 (de 3.5 % à 3.8 %). La croissance a été stimulée par la solide performance des économies asiatiques, qui ...