Financing of the implementation of the United Nations programme of action for African economic recovery and development
Financing of the implementation of the United Nations programme of action for African Economic recovery and development by Sayne P. Schatz, Temple University Philadelphia, Pa., USA at the International Conference on ...
Report of technical support to the National educational planning seminar for educational administrators, planners, curriculum development personnel and teacher educators on the orientation of educational policies, programmes and practices : Msimbazi centre, Dar es Salaam Tanzania 15-27 February 1988
The Seminar on Educational Planning was planned and organized by the Institute of curriculum Development in collaboration with the German foundation for International Development(DSE) and the technical support of the United ...
Rapport : séminaire sur l'intégration de la femme au développement et l'amélioration de la qualité des conditions de la vie en milieu rural, Lomé ,Togo
Ce présent document s’agit le présent voyage d'étude au Togo organise avec le soutien financier de l'UNESCO et du FISE répond a la demande formulee par le comité sous-regional du MULPOC de Niamey au cours de la réunion ...
International Labour Office and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (statistics division): mission to Swaziland (11 to 26 february 1988) by R. J. Pember (ILO/ECA regional adviser in houshold surveys)
This report relates to a mission to Mbabane (Swaziland) by the ILO/ECA Regional Adviser in Household Surveys (Mr. R. J. Pember). The objectives of the mission were to assist in the preparation of a report on the results ...
Critical assessment of national development plans in light of progress made towards achieving the objectives and guidelines of the Lagos plan of action, Africa's priority programme for economic recovery and the United Nations Programme of Action for African Eonomic Recovery and Development
The purpose of the present study is to examine, within the framework of following up the implementation of General Assembly Resolution 35/64 on the LPA and General Assembly Resolution A.40/40 on the critical economic ...
Statistical computing on micro-computers
Statistical computing within African statistic offices involved the use of mini computers and so called mainframe until very recently quite the use of statistical officer without computer facilities of their own had and ...
UNDP/UNCTAD comprehensive programme for the development of trade between socialist countries of Eastern Europe and developing countries UNCTAD/ECA Project RAF/79/015
The Regional Seminar for African countries, organized by UNCTAO and ECA within the framework of the UNDP/UNCTAD Comprehensive Programme for the development of Trade between the Socialist, Countries of Eastern Europe and ...
Mission report on the consultative conference on economic scientific and technical co-operation in the Indian Ocean Colombo Sri Lanka 15-20 July 1985
A preparatory meeting of Indian Ocean States took place at officials level in Colombo on 4 and 5 June 1985. The meeting endorsed for recommendation to the Consultative Meeting of the Conference (to be designated the First ...
Review of economic and social conditions in African least developed countries (1986-1987)
The period 1986-1987 was marked diagnose the pre vailing economic and social conditions in African countries and to devise appropriate measure to counteract the domestic and external imbalances in the economics. In 1986-1967, ...
Survey of social trends and major social development problems in Africa
The survey is divided into five parts part I gives an overview of the present social situation in part II changes in such key social indicators as food and nutrition health employment family welfare and human resource ...