Séance d'ouverture déclaration de M. Edward Galway chef de la section de défense sociale
Ce présent document a ces raisons que les Nations Unies fondent de si grands espoirs sur les travaux de cette première réunion d’experts africains des Nations Unies dans le domaine de la défense sociale. Ils sont indiqués ...
Maps as a basic requisite for economic development
Good maps based on precise geodetic control surveys are essential to the economic development of any area, region, or state. It is impossible to efficiently plan the development of any area without an inventory of the ...
Economic commission for Africa provisional summary record of the seventeenth meeting : held at African Hall, Addis Ababa, on Tuesday, 27 February 1962, at 9 p.m.
The seventh meeting of the economic and social development focuses on economic development, social development and social welfare and community development stressed certain points with respect to the economic utilization ...
Planning and policy aspects of economic co-operation in Eastern Africa
When the Lusaka meeting on economic Co-operation in East Africa recommended the establishment of the economic Community of eastern Africa and specifically that of a Customs Union, it referred to the aim of the Community ...
Statement on relations between the Economic Commission for Africa and the Organization of African Unity
This statement presented at the seventh session of the commission on relations between the Economic Commission for Africa and the Organization of African Unity. The fact that the two bodies have placed the question of their ...
Hydrography and its importance to maritime safety and economic development
Much of the world's trade is carried out between ports and paid for by ship. These ships and their cargo represent a considerable investment of money and also carry crews and passengers. It is therefore essential that ...
Pre-conditions for regional economic integration
The most successful example of regional economic integration is the Central American Common Market which has demonstrably speeded up industrialization and the general economic progress of the countries concerned. The East ...
Développement de l'education : résolution 82 (V) adoptée par la Commission à sa 98ème séance plénière, le 1er mars 1963
La Réunion des Ministres do l'éducation nationale dos pays d'Afrique participant à l'exécution du Plan d'Addis-Abeba, ainsi que des mesures adoptées par l'UNESCO en vue du développement do l'éducation en Afrique. Les besoins ...
Polygamy and its relation to social welfare and economic development- particularly its economic effect in rural areas where it is practiced
This draft resolution on polygamy and its relation to social welfare and economic development particularly its economic effect in rural areas where it is practiced at the Forth session of the commission. the resolution ...
Projet de rapport de la sixième session au conseil économique et social
La commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) a lors de sa séance tenue le rapport de la sixième session aux conseil et social, adopte a l’unanimité le présent rapport annuel, qui porte sur la période 3 mars 1963 a 3 mars ...