The economic commission for Asia and the far East monetary co-operation schemes
In pursuance of the Kabul Declaration, the first meeting of the preparatory committee for the establishment of an Asian Clearing Union was convened in March 1971. A draft agreement was presented to countries for consideration. ...
Strategy for economic development in africa
Development strategy, which appears most suitable for conditions in Africa should be based on the guiding principles; Re-shaping the economic infrastructure so as to adopt them to suit the new independent status of the ...
The new international economic order: what roles for women?
The Declaration and Plan of Action on the Establishment of a New Economic Order, and various other resolutions of the General Assembly and other United Nations bodies (General. Assembly resolution 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September ...
Co-ordination of activities for the development of integrated demographic, social and economic statistics for planning in Africa: establishment of a statistical data bank
The developing countries in Africa have compiled numerous data. on various socio-economic subjects and stored them in numerous large files which are generally kept isolated. these countries possess large statistical data ...
Summary on trade and economic relations between developing Africa and the socialist countries of Eastern Europe
This brief paper is intended to provide an outline of the trade structures for promoting trade and economic relations between Africa and Socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Africa lives in a world where it must come to ...
Payments arrangements between African countries and the socialist countries of Eastern Europe
At its last session held in Addis Ababa from 1 - 3 February 1982, the Conference of African Ministers of Trade, again stressed the need to develop trade and economic relations between the two groups of countries. The aim ...
Proposed Treaty for the Establishment of a Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States : memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa to the second Extraordinary Conference of Ministers of Trade, Finance, and Planning of the Eastern and Southern African States, Kampala, Uganda, from 27 October to 1 November 1980
The document focused on Proposed Treaty for the Establishment of a Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States, memorandum by the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa ...
Information sheet on agenda item 4
This is information sheet on the conference of the Africa regional coordinating committee for the integration of women in development Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11-13 April 1983.
Message from professor Adebayo Adedeju, undersecretary general of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the regional conference on intra-African tourism /:
One of the most significant pieces of evidence of our concern for tourism development in Africa was the Banjul Regional Conference on Tourism and Economic Development which we organized jointly with the World Tourism ...
Spatial planning within the framework of the Monrovia Strategy for the Economic Development of Africa
The report of the Monrovia colloquium on the development prospects of Africa through the year 2000 organized jointly by OAU and ECA in 1979, defined the various possible types of development for the African region. The ...