A comparative study of infant and childhood mortality and its relationship with fertility, cultural factors and socio-economic development in selected African countries
The rapid changes in size of population reflect the situation of high levels of fertility which have remained almost constant for more than 30 odd years and yet at the same time mortality has generally experienced a gradual ...
Final report on the technical feasibility study for the Economic Commission for Africa, African Institute for Higher Technical Training and Research = Rapport final étude de faisabilité a l' intention de la commission économique pour l' Afrique des nations unies et de l'institut Africain de formation technique supérieure et de recherche
This pioneering institution has developed a philosophy and methodology which may well serve as a model for the rest of the world, and which surely will provide graduates who will become catalysts for major technological ...
Information kit for women in Africa
The Information kit for women in Africa is a collaborative effort between the staff of the African Training and Research Centre for Women, (ATRCW) based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and the staff of the International Women's ...