Statistical training programme for Africa (STPA)
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide in concise, easily-accessible form, information concerning the statistical Training Program for Africa. It is suggested that recipients insert the issues in a separate folder ...
Statistical newsletter
The statistical newsletter is a progress report on activities to revive the association of African Statisticians (AAS)is given together with a copy of the draft of the proposed constitution. While the AAS is being revived, ...
Statistical newsletter
The second session of the Joint Conference of African Planners, Statisticians and Demographers was convened at ECA Headquarters; Addis Ababa, from 8-17 March 1982. To enable the Joint Conference to meet its objectives, ...
African population newsletter=Information sur la population en Afrique
In preparation for the 1984 international conference on population four expert group meeting were organized to discuss assess and review population issues to form a basis for documentation for the conference these meeting ...
Statistical training programme for Africa (STPA): STAP news.
The sixth issue of STPA NEWS contains, in its first part, a summary of main conclusions of the third Meeting of Directors of Centres participating in the Statistical Training Programme for Africa (STPA), held in Addis Ababa ...