Devindex Africa 1982 (volume 5): index to literature on economic and social develoopment inAFRICA=Index de la litterature sur le developpement economique et social en Afrique
This is the fifth volume of the Devindex Africa series prepared and issued by PAD1S, the Pan-African Documentation and Information System, created by the ECA, January 1980, with the assistance of the United Nations Development ...
Statement by professor Adebayo Adedeji United Nations Under Secretary General and executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa
An overall assessment of the performance of the African economy last year leads us to the conclusion that the economic and social situation in the African region, despite a slight improvement in GDP performance in 1988, ...
State of Cooperation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the League of Arab States (LAS) between 1984 and 1993
In the absence of a mechanism for cooperation between the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the League of Arab States (LAS), direct relations between the two organizations are very limited, although ...
The human crisis at the country level : Kenya's experience in sustaining the human dimension in spite of the economic crisis
This paper tries to analyze how the Kenya economy was affected by the economic crisis partly triggered by the 1973 global oil crisis, its attempt to deal with the crisis through structural adjustment programme and other ...
Africa index = Catalogue Afrique: selected articles on socio-economic development = articles choisis sur le développement économique et social
AFRICA Index: Selected articles on socio-economic development E/ECA/LI8/SER.E/- is a journal Issues three times a year by the LIBRARY of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. It consists of Titles of periodical ...
Africa index = catalogue Afrique: selected articles on socio-economic development = articles choisis sur le développement économique et social
Africa Index, Selected articles on socioeconomic development, is a journal issued three times a year by the Library of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. It consists of titles of periodical articles, titles ...
A review of the state of the African economies and of the the activities of the Economic Commission for Africa between June 1985 and July 1986 = Examen de la situation economiques des pays africaions et des activities de la Commission Economique pour l'Afrique entre Juillet 1985 et Juine 1986
The extraordinary economic and social difficulties confronting the African continent over the past three years have been the concern of the entire world community. There is no doubt that that concern and understanding ...
Rapport du séminaire sous-régional sur l'économique familiale, facteur de développement économique et social d'un pays
Le Séminaire sous-régional sur l'Economie Familiale avait pour but de répondre au besoin exprime par les femmes leaders des pays de l'Afrique Centrale I au cours de la 2ème réunion du Comité sous-régional tenue à YAOUNDE ...
The African response to the economic crises in the continent,the LPA, APPER and UNPAAERD
The African response to the Economic Crisis in the Continent the LPA, APPER and UN-PAAERD. It is paradoxical that the continent should be so dubbed given the fact that one of the important reasons for the struggle for ...
Report of the coordinator of the Programme for the Integration of Women of the Economic and Social Development in North Africa
Report of the coordinator of the programme for the integration of women of the economic and social development in North Africa . the sub regional committee for the integration of women in development which laisse between ...