Trends and projections of primary education in Lesotho: implications on human resources requirements
The purpose of this study is to project the future evolution of primary education in Lesotho over a planning horizon and consider the implications of this growth on future requirements for teachers. With this information, ...
United Nations conference facilities for the Economic Commission for Africa : design competition
The headquarters of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is located in Addis Ababa. ECA has the largest Secretariat staff among all the units of the United Nations family of organizations located there. In addition to ...
Message of the United Nations secretary-general to the twenty-first session of the commission/twelfth meeting of the ECA conference of ministers responsible for Economic development and planning.
The general issues for this meeting to address is how to restore and accelerate the pace of economic and social development in Africa. the general assembly has established a preparatory committee to the success of the ...
Report on assistance provided by the Economic Commission for Africa to the Niamey MULPOC countries in statistics in 1986
Report on Assistance provided by the Economic Commission for Africa to the Niamey MULPOC countries in statistics in 1986. ECA assistance in statistics to the member countries of the West African MULPOC during 1986 concerned ...