Report: feedback seminar on Joint ECA/Government of Zambia survey on interrelationships among infant and childhood mortality, socio-economic factors and fertility in Zambia
The national feedback seminar on the Joint ECA/Government of Zambia Survey on Interrelationships among Infant and child-hood Mortality, Socio-economic factors and fertility in Zambia took place in the president’s Citizenship ...
Commerce africain = African trade
A preliminary assessment of the economic performance in 1981 and prospects for 1982 : end of year Statement
A preliminary assessment of the economic performance in 1981 and prospects for 1982: End of year statement delivered by Dr. Adebayo Adedeji. The economic performance of most African countries during the past twelve months ...
Statement by prof. Adebayo Adedeji United Nation under Secretary General and Executive Seretary of the Economic Commission for Africa on the occassion of: the third meeting of the Africa regional coordinating committee for the integration of women in development (ARCC)Douala, 15 - 17 march 1982
This is a statement by Prof. Adebayo Adedeji United Nations under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa on the occasion of the third meeting of the Africa Regional Coordinating ...
Silver jubilee anniversary of the Economic Commission for Africa : draft resolution sponsored by Ethiopia
The Conference of Ministers, Recalling the historic General Assembly resolution 1155 (XII) of 26 November 1957, which recommended that the Economic and Social Council establish an Economic Commission for Africa.
Rural progress: quarterly bulletin of the economic commission for Africa
The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (1981-1990) was formally launched on 10 November 1980 by the United Nations General Assembly at its thirty-fifth Session. The goals for the Water Decade were ...
Demographic and related socio-economic data sheets for ECA member states = Données démographiques et socio-économiques pour les états membrés de la CEA
This volume is a revised version of a working paper prepared by the ECA Population Division and based on the comments received from ECA member States and latest available data. Bench-mark data needed for demographic estimates ...
A preliminary assessment of the economic performance of Africa in1982 and prospects for 1983 : end-of-year statement
The African economies being export-oriented have been particularly hard hit by the recession in the industrialized countries. Export revenues have fallen drastically not only in the non-oil exporting African countries which ...