Le rôle de l'autogestion agricole dans la solution du problème du dualisme rural en Algérie
Dans cette brève étude la tentative d'analyser le rôle de l'autogestion rurale en Algérie en tant qu'une des voies de solution du problème du dualisme rural engendré par la politique des colonisateurs européens est faite. ...
Rapport du séminaire sur l'amélioration des conditions de vie en milieu rural : Bobo-Dioulasso et Ouagadougou (Haute Volta) septembre-octobre 1975
Le séminaire sur l’amélioration des conditions de vie en milieu rural s’est tenu en Haute-Volta du 29 septembre au 11 octobre 1975, sous les patronages du ministère du plan, équipe internationale de trois membres envoyés ...
Mouvements de libération nationale et décolonisation en Afrique noire
Les vingt-cinq dernières années ont vu la désagrégation r api de du système colonial. Dans l'atmosphère de réformes de l'immédiat après-guerre, en Angleterre comme en France, des idées généreuses furent lancées en matière ...
Report 5 Workshops for trainers in home economics and other family. Oriented fields: report
A modern census of population defined as, "the total process of collecting, compiling and publishing demographic, economic and social data pertaining, at a specified time or times. To all persons in a country or delimited ...
Development plan harmonization, one of the conditions for the success of economic co-operation efforts
Economic co-operation in Africa is part of a general movement which is causing nations to group together, in order to achieve rapid, overall and less costly economic development. It answers a need which is felt, to different ...
Summaries of economic data: Ivory coast
The growth in the Ivory Coast economy has stemmed mainly from the agriculture, manufacturing and construction sectors over the lass few years with secondary gains recorded in commerce, transport and services as a result ...
Summaries of economic data: Upper Volta
The rainy season of 1973 was again one of below average rainfall and towards the end of the year, it was stated that the food crops were no better than, a year earlier. Emergency food aid was being continued into 1974 ...
Country report on higher mangement education and training in the Tanzania
The general government policy on training is contained in the development plans on manpower which are geared towards self sufficiency in manpower by the year 1980. Government training programmes of managers are mainly for ...
Survey methodology and adaptations needed for multi-subject household surveys
The objectives of the survey determine the type of survey and the choice of the sample design. The Sub-Commission on Statistical Sampling of the United Nations Statistical Commission has distinguished the following types ...
Report of an ECA economic co-operation mission to Central Africa
This situation may be explained partly by the fact unlike the other sub regions in central African the countries own efforts at cooperation had advanced vary far in the quality of institution as well as membership strength ...