Draft resolution: Economic co-operation in the North African sub-region
This draft resolution agenda item 6 at eighth session of the commission concerning Economic co-operation in the North African sub-region. The sub-regional meeting on economic cooperation in north Africa held at Tangier in ...
Resolutions and decisions of interest to the commission adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its twenty ninth and thirtieth sessions
This resolution refers specifically to ECA resolution 10(II) and deals with the request for additional funds to be included in the regular budget, for urgent and transitional needs of newly independent countries, particularly ...
Draft resolution: Economic co-ooperation in Africa
This draft resolution agenda item 6 considering the work programme proposed by the secretariat in each of the four-regions for the biennium 1967 and 1968, and in the sub-region on Eastern Africa 10 out of the 14 member ...
Draft resolution: the African Institute for economic development and planning
This draft resolution agenda item 7 concerning the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning and the resolution 93 (VI) and, in particular, paragraph 6 of article IV of part B. the resolution also considering ...
Projet de résolution à l' intention du conseil économique et social
Ce document est un projet de résolution qui a pris acte du rapport annuel de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique pour la période du 3 mars 1964 au 23 février 1965, ainsi que des recommandations et résolutions et ...
Survey of natural resources: draft resolution submitted by Cameroun, Central African Republic, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopoldville), Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria, Tunisia
The draft resolution is on survey of Natural Resources in some African countries.
Draft resolution sponsored by Ghana, Guinea, Mali, United Arab Republic, Sudan, Libya : assistance to Africa and the role of the Economic Commission for Africa
This draft resolution presents the assistance to Africa and the role of the Economic Commission for Africa and examined the consolidated report on programme appraisals, as requested by the Economic and Social Council in ...
Establishment of sub-regional offices of the Economic Commission for Africa : draft resolution by Ghana, Liberia and Sudan
This draft resolution presented by Ghana, Liberia and Sudan establishment of sub-regional offices of the economic commission for Africa on the third session of the commission. Recognizing the importance of establishing ...
Economic integration: resolution 142(VII) adopted by the Commission at its 126th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965
This draft resolution 142(VII) adopted by the Commission at its 126th plenary meeting on 22 February 1965 on the theme of Economic Integration. The resolution recommends to the member states of the Commission to set up at ...
Draft: draft resolution for action by the Economic and Social Council
This draft resolution for action by the Economic and Social Council takes note of the annual report of the Economic Commission for Africa for the period 3 March 1964 to 23 February 1965 and the recommendations and resolutions ...