Opening statement by Mrs. Lalla Ben Barka, Deputy Executive secretary, economic commission for Africa : Second Ordinary session of the OAU/AEC minister of trade committee on trade, customs and Immigration
Opening Statement by Mrs. Lalla Ben Barka Deputy Executive Secretary Economic Commission for Africa at the Second Ordinary Session of the OAU/ AEC Ministers of Trade Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Ministerial ...
Africa and the Challenges of the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial Conference: statement by Abdoulie Janneh, the executive secretary of the economic commission for Africa, delivered by Mbaye Diouf, director of ECA's east African sub-regional office
Statement by Abdoulie Janneh, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the AU Conference of Ministers of Trade 2nd Extra-ordinary Session. Mr. Janneh, on his remarks highlighted that, This meeting ...
Third ordinary session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of trade: opening statement By Hakim Ben Hammouda director, trade and regional integration division united nations economic commission for Africa
Opening Statement By Hakim Ben Hammouda Director, Trade and Regional Integration Division United Nations Economic Commission for Africa at Third Ordinary Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Trade. On ...