Système de statistiques sociales et démographiques rapport intérimaire
Le présent document donne un aperçu de l’état d’avancement des travaux relatifs aux directives internationales pour un système de statistique sociales et démographiques et des plans pour l’avenir. La récapitulation des ...
Socio-economic and demographic consequences of HIV/AIDS in ECA memeber states
The consequences of general mortality conditions on socioeconomic aspects and the demographic structure cannot be overemphasized. Resources to be used for alleviating the health problems of a society, distortion in the ...
Critical assessment of national development plans in light of progress made towards achieving the objectives and guidelines of the Lagos plan of action, Africa's priority programme for economic recovery and the United Nations Programme of Action for African Eonomic Recovery and Development
The purpose of the present study is to examine, within the framework of following up the implementation of General Assembly Resolution 35/64 on the LPA and General Assembly Resolution A.40/40 on the critical economic ...
Statistical computing on micro-computers
Statistical computing within African statistic offices involved the use of mini computers and so called mainframe until very recently quite the use of statistical officer without computer facilities of their own had and ...
Opening statement by Mr. Oliver J.M Chinganya - Manager, Statistical Capacity Building division, Statistics department African development bank group
Opening Statement by Oliver J.M Chinganya Manager, Statistical Capacity Building Division Statistics Department African Development Bank Group. Mr. Chinganya, on his remarks highlighted that, the Joint Session of CoDG and ...
Priorites for improving basic economic statistics
In this paper, the requirements for basic economic statistics are briefly outlined and the implications for their collection discussed with particular reference to business surveys. A distinction is made between the ...
Certains indicateurs socialux importants pour l'Afrique
Cette tendance découle en partie d'une nouvelle réflexion favorable à une analyse du processus du développement plus fine 'que celle a laquelle il est possible de procéder à l'aide des indices utilises dans les systèmes ...
Rapport interimaire sur le projet relatif aux dimensions sociales de l'ajustement le projet dimensions sociales de l'ajustement et ses implications en matière de statistique
Ce document, prépare par M. Timothy Marchant Economiste senior/statisticien, Service du projet DSA, été présente au cours du séminaire organise l'intention des Directeurs des bureaux africains de statistiques, le 12 juillet ...