The crisis of development and the challenge of a new economic order in Africa statement by ECA excutive secretary Adebayo Adedeji
The resolutions which were adopted at that Conference naturally reflected the concern felt by member States of the urgency of ushering forth a new international economic order since then as you are all aware the seventh ...
The challenge to the international coummunity of sustaining Africa's economic recovery
Statement by Professor Adebayo Adedeji United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the formal opening of the twenty-second session of the Commission and thirteenth ...
La crise économique et sociale en Afrique : programme des mesures à prendre par l'Afrique et la communauté internationale
Le présent document s’agit de la crise économique et sociale en Afrique et sociale a une autre, crise qui l'année dernière s'est accentuée au point de constituer une menace à la survie même du continent. En fait, comme ...