Système de statistiques sociales et démographiques rapport intérimaire
Le présent document donne un aperçu de l’état d’avancement des travaux relatifs aux directives internationales pour un système de statistique sociales et démographiques et des plans pour l’avenir. La récapitulation des ...
Opening statement by Mr. Oliver J.M Chinganya - Manager, Statistical Capacity Building division, Statistics department African development bank group
Opening Statement by Oliver J.M Chinganya Manager, Statistical Capacity Building Division Statistics Department African Development Bank Group. Mr. Chinganya, on his remarks highlighted that, the Joint Session of CoDG and ...
Statistical Development and Planning
At the third conference of African statisticians which met in Addis Ababa in October 1963. One of the principal items discussed was the development of statistical programmes particularly in relation to data requirements ...
Annual Meeting of the Advisory Board On Statistics In Africa (ABSA): Opening statement By K. Y. Amoako , Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
Opening statement By K. Y. Amoako , Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) at the Annual Meeting of the Advisory Board On Statistics In Africa (ABSA). Mr. Amoako, on his remarks highlighted that, ECA is ...
Report of the Meeting of Heads of North and East African Statistical Offices
Report of the meeting of heads of North and East African Statistical Offices. Reports made by the country delegates provided useful information on the statistical situation in North and East Africa. General progress was ...
Report of the meeting of Directors of Middle Level Statistical Training Centers
The second meeting of directors of middle level statistical training centres took place at ECA headquarters Addis Ababa from 16 to 20 April 1965.the first meeting had been held in April 1963 and its report is contained in ...
Report: Fifth Meeting of the Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development (CASD)
The fifth meeting of the Coordinating Committee on African statistical Development (CASD) was held at ECA headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The report was presented to CASD by the representative of the World Bank on ...
Ninth Meeting of the Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development: report
The Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development (CASD) held its Ninth meeting at the United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ababa. The meeting considered the provisional agenda contained III document and ...