Opening statement by Mr. Oliver J.M Chinganya - Manager, Statistical Capacity Building division, Statistics department African development bank group
Opening Statement by Oliver J.M Chinganya Manager, Statistical Capacity Building Division Statistics Department African Development Bank Group. Mr. Chinganya, on his remarks highlighted that, the Joint Session of CoDG and ...
Priorites for improving basic economic statistics
In this paper, the requirements for basic economic statistics are briefly outlined and the implications for their collection discussed with particular reference to business surveys. A distinction is made between the ...
Co-ordination of activities for the development of integrated demographic, social and economic statistics for planning in Africa: establishment of a statistical data bank
The developing countries in Africa have compiled numerous data. on various socio-economic subjects and stored them in numerous large files which are generally kept isolated. these countries possess large statistical data ...
Harnessing financial and technical resources in support of the monitoring of the millennium development goals in African countries: opening remarks by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh United Nations Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa 18 January 2010 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
This opening remarks by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh United Nations Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the second meeting of the statistical commission for Africa. Mr. Janneh, ...
Report of the Meeting of Heads of North and East African Statistical Offices
Report of the meeting of heads of North and East African Statistical Offices. Reports made by the country delegates provided useful information on the statistical situation in North and East Africa. General progress was ...
Report: Fifth Meeting of the Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development (CASD)
The fifth meeting of the Coordinating Committee on African statistical Development (CASD) was held at ECA headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The report was presented to CASD by the representative of the World Bank on ...
Ninth Meeting of the Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development: report
The Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development (CASD) held its Ninth meeting at the United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ababa. The meeting considered the provisional agenda contained III document and ...
The second meeting of the statistical commission for Africa: closing remarks by Dr. Dimitri Sanga Chief, Statistical Development African Centre for Statistics 21 January 2010 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Closing Remarks by Dr. Dimitri Sanga Chief, Statistical Development African Centre for Statistics at the second meeting of statistical commission for Africa. Dr. Sanga, on his remarks highlighted that, This second meeting ...