UNECA and Microsoft join forces to support economic growth and opportunity in Africa
Through the public-private partnership, UNECA and Microsoft will employ their respective expertise in a number of areas including: access to software and technical support; local software development; capacity building in ...
Informations statistiques
Le quatrième trimestre de 1969 a été une période relativement riche en réunions régionales. Le présent numéro des informations statistique comprend des articles lui traitent du Cycle d'études sur les statistiques des prix ...
Bulletin des ressources naturelles : ressources naturelles en general
La huitième session de la Commission a eu lieu A Lagos du 13 au 25 février 1967. Le problème du développement des ressources naturelles dans la région ainsi que l'application de la science et de la technique au développement ...
Africa UN staff news
The 27th annual council of the Federation of International civil Servants Associations was held in Washington D.C., USA, from 25 February through 2 March 1974. A major result of the meeting was the composition of the 1974/75 ...
Africa UN staff news
Setting up a policy and a strategy with regard to continuing staff training and career planning - this is the aim of a special FICSA meeting in Paris from 22-25 June 1974. The recent FICSA Council in Washington had decided ...
Africa UN staff news
The new staff committee is trying to undertake various social activities such as film shows UN week celebrations in October UN children’s charismas party in December 1972 in order to enjoy such facilities and participate ...
Bulletin on ECA training programme No.5 = Bulletin sur le programme de formation de la CEA No.5
This Bulletin is issued to provide advance information on ECA’s planned training courses, workshops and seminars and so enable interested training institutes, the various services of government and , where applicable, ...
Statistical newsletter
Statistical Newsletters Nos. 24 and 25 contained articles on the revision of the UN System of National Accounts. The details of the new system have now been agreed, and this issue carries the third article in the series; ...
Africa UN staff news
The key resource of any large organization is its staff. The best plans, programmes, equipment and funding will be under-utilized without the energizing force of a committed and well-trained staff. A high order of emphasis ...
Statistical training programme for Africa (STPA)
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide in concise, easily-accessible form, information concerning the statistical Training Program for Africa. It is suggested that recipients insert the issues in a separate folder ...