Cameroon's thumbs up for ECA's social and economic analyses on Africa
The Economic Report on Africa 2014 was launched in Yaounde by the country’s Minister Delegate in the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development. The report calls for the adoption by African states of ...
Ghana hosts discussions on 2013 economic report on Africa, supports its recommendations
A meeting organized by the National Development Planning Commission (NPDC) and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) took place in Accra on June 4, this year, as part of a series of ongoing dissemination events on the ...
African Ministers of Finance and Economic Development commit to placing Agriculture at the core of growth policies
In the framework of the General Assembly Resolution 57/7, which recommends that NEPAD be the framework within which UN agencies support Africa’s development, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa ...
Africa poverty on decline, progress in basic education, reveals a new report on the MDGs
Africa has made significant progress in poverty reduction, primary education, women’s empowerment and in its fight against HIV/AIDS, according to a new report to be released July 15 by the United Nations Economic Commission ...
Third edition of the African Economic Outlook focuses on aid and Public Resource Mobilisation
The African Economic Outlook has become a widely acclaimed annual report on African economies. AEO is the only recurrent report on Africa that provides country-by-country analysis of recent political, economic and social ...
Africa must boost commodity based industrialization to grow economy and poverty says economic report on Africa 2013
The Sixth Joint Annual Meetings of ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance opened here with a call for a paradigm shift for ...
UNECA and Microsoft join forces to support economic growth and opportunity in Africa
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and Microsoft announced the signing of a partnership agreement to promote development and foster regional cooperation in Africa by leveraging information and ...
UNECA and Microsoft join forces to support economic growth and opportunity in Africa
Through the public-private partnership, UNECA and Microsoft will employ their respective expertise in a number of areas including: access to software and technical support; local software development; capacity building in ...
New publication proposes a new social contract for future generations
Published under the Portuguese title, Novo Contrato Social. Propostas para esta geração e para as futuras (2013) this book challenges the reader to rethink the possibility of a new social contract based on notions of ...
ECA's IDEP collaborates with UNDP in gender and economic management course
The capacity building arm of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Institute of Development and Economic Planning (IDEP), announced today in Tunis that it is collaborating with UNDP in designing and teaching a ...