Main problems of economic development and cooperation in North Africa
North African countries are facing gigantic problems, population increases rapidly, under and un-employment is enormous, the traditional agricultural sector is backward, domestic saving is low, trade balances are in deficit ...
Comprehensive economic planning in NIgeria
(Oct. 1962.)
Regional economic communities consult on boosting Intra-African trade and the continental free trade area
The African Trade Policy Centre of the Economic Commission for Africa, in collaboration with the African Union Commission and the Secretariat of the Southern African Development Cooperation (SADC) organized a consultative ...
Opening statement by Mrs. Lalla Ben Barka, Deputy Executive secretary, economic commission for Africa : Second Ordinary session of the OAU/AEC minister of trade committee on trade, customs and Immigration
Opening Statement by Mrs. Lalla Ben Barka Deputy Executive Secretary Economic Commission for Africa at the Second Ordinary Session of the OAU/ AEC Ministers of Trade Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Ministerial ...
A programme in support of African regional integration : submission of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Africa's development problems continue to be exasperated by gross inadequacy of integrating sectors of trade, finance, transport, communication, agriculture and manufacturing industries. Deep pockets of poverty remain ...