Opening remarks by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN under secretary general and executive secretary of ECA: world economic forum on Africa 2012
This opening remarks delivered by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the World Economic Forum on Africa 2012 - UNECA Side Event on "Africa 2050 – A Private Sector Perspective". ...
Statement by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh at the African economic conference 2010: agenda for Africa's economic recovery and long term growth
The theme of this Conference is very appropriate in the sense that it captures the dual nature of the challenge facing Africa which is to recover fully from the global economic and financial crisis while at the same time ...
Second Forum on African Statistical Development (FASDEV): opening statement by Abdoulie Janneh UN under secretary general and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa
Opening Statement by Abdoulie Janneh UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the Second forum on African Statistical development (FASDEV). Mr. Janneh, on his remarks ...
Regional Review of the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010: Statement by Abdoulie Janneh UN under secretary general and executive secretary of the economic commission for Africa
Statement By Abdoulie Janneh UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the Regional Review of the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries ...
Speech by Abdoulie Janneh UN under secretary general and executive secretary of the economic commission for Africa: ACBF-ECA workshop on "the capacity needs of the regional economic communities"
UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Abdoulie Janneh, begin the speech by thanking the African Capacity Building Foundation for inviting him to this very important meeting ...
African economic conference: Remarks by Abdoulie Janneh United nations under secretary general and executive secretary of the economic commission for Africa 25 October 2011 Addis Ababa
Remarks by Abdoulie Janneh United Nations Under-Secretary -General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the African Economic Conference. Mr. Janeeh, on his remarks highlighted that, Green Economy ...
Statement to 3rd joint meeting of AU conference of ministers of economy and finance and ECA conference of African ministers of finance, planning and economic development by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA 25 March 2010 Lilongwe
Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the third Joint Meeting of AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning ...
Statement by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh UN under secretary general and executive secretary of ECA : at the fifthmeeting of African ministers of finance, planning and economic development
Statement By Mr. Abdoulie Janneh Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA At the Fifth Meeting of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. he pointed out on his remark that, Our theme ...
Seventh Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union: statement by Abdoulie Janneh UN under secretary general and executive secretary of the economic commission for Africa
Statement By Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the Seventh Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union. Mr. Janneh, on his remarks ...
Meeting of the committee of experts of the 2nd joint annual meetings of the AU conference of ministers of economy and finance and ECA conference of ministers of finance, planning and economic development: opening remarks by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN under secretary general and executive secretary of ECA
Opening Remarks by Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA at the Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the 2nd Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and ...