African trade = Commerce African
1980-06Author(s)/Corporate Author (s)
United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa.;Nations Unies. Commission économique pour l'Afrique;
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During the months of January to April 1980, several important meetings and conferences were held at the Headquarters of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. These included the Intergovernmental Meeting of Experts preparatory to the Sixth Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Trade, jointly sponsored by the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and ECA. The meeting, among other issues, examined the question of a new African Strategy in the field of International Trade and Finance (including intra-African trade and finance) and proposed a draft Programme of Action for the African region as part of the overall development strategy for Africa for the Third Development Decade. The Ministers considered and adopted the report of the preparatory Intergovernmental Meeting of Experts as well as the proposals for a new African Strategy in the field of international trade and finance.
“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa.; Nations Unies. Commission économique pour l'Afrique (1980-06). African trade = Commerce African. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,.”Serial Title
African trade Vol 5, No.1Collections
- Africa Sustainable Development Report [5051]
- Africa UN staff news (1973) [5438]
- African Statistical Newsletter (2019) [54]
- African Trade Policy Centre [2531]
- Economic bulletin for Africa (1977) [112]
- Issue paper (African Development Forum) (2010) [61]
- Monograph series on foreign private investment in Africa (1997) [123]
- Quarterly statistical bulletin for Africa (1969) [112]
- Social welfare services in Africa (1977) [117]
- Statistical training programme for Africa (STPA) News (1987) [5924]
- Trade [2802]