Technology parks, incubation centers, centers of excellence best practices & business model development northern and southern regions of Africa: report
2009-03Author(s)/Corporate Author (s)
United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa.;Metadata
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During the last decade, African countries have embarked on projects for the creation of science and technology parks, business incubators and centres of excellence with the aim of spurring and sustaining economic growth, meeting the needs of jobs for new graduates and of integration into the knowledge economy. These creations are designed to bring together various actors of knowledge, research and development and companies. The global objective of this study is to present a comprehensive and comparative analysis of the overall situation, the evolution of Technology Parks, Centers of Excellence, and Business Incubation centres, in identified countries of Northern and Southern Regions of Africa, highlighting the lessons learned, examining the continent and worldwide best practices and developing a comprehensive Business Model that can be used as a policy tool for development actors and decision-makers. The present report summarizes the reports of the two experts in charge of conducting the study, respectively, in the countries of the region of North Africa and in the countries of the region of South Africa. It also proceeds with comparisons and the highlighting of the major findings and recommendations.