Statement of Litha Musiyimi-Ogana Director of Women, Gender and Development of the African union commission March 16, 2010

2010-03Author(s)/Corporate Author (s)
Musiyimi-Ogana, Litha;United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa;
African Union Commission;
African Union Commission;
United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa;
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Statement by Ms. Litha Musiyimi-Ogana Director of Women, Gender and Development of the African Union Commission at commemoration of the International Women Day 8th March 2010. Ms. Musiyimi-Ogana outlined her remarks that, The International Woman Day is almost a century old since it was first reserved as a day to remember and celebrate women's long struggle to gender equality. The International Women's Day has evolved over time and its commemoration was proposed for the first time in 1910 by Mrs Clara Zetkin during the second international conference of socialist women, and by 1945, the International Women's Day had become a tradition globally. African Fund for Women has been chosen as one of the Commission's flagship projects. In the light of this, Ms. Musiyimi-Ogana welcomes partners and AU Member States to contribute to this fund generously, in the spirit of the launching of the African Women's Decade later this year and in solidarity with African Women. In observance of International Women's Day, the AUC stands tall as a champion of gender equality and women's empowerment and joins with all people around the globe to reaffirm its commitment to the equality, freedom and advancement of women.
“Musiyimi-Ogana, Litha; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; African Union Commission; African Union Commission; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2010-03). Statement of Litha Musiyimi-Ogana Director of Women, Gender and Development of the African union commission March 16, 2010. UN. ECA Commemoration of International women's day (2010, Mar. 8: AddisAbaba, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,.”Conférence
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