Summary of current programmes of the United Nations and specialized agencies relating to Africa : prepared by the secretariat
The paper is organized according to main areas of work, indicating in each area the more important studies, reports and other economic and social activities, including current technical assistance and UNICES programmes. ...
Contribution du secrétaire exécutif à l'évaluation des programmes pour la période 1959-1964 présentée par le Secrétaire Général
Le secrétaire exécutif soumet à l’attention de la Commission la contribution qu’il a apportée à l’évaluation de la portée, des tendances et du coût du programme ordinaire des Nations Unies dans les domaines économique et ...
Mandat de la Commission Economique pour l'Afrique: résolution 671 A (XXV) adoptée par le Conseil Economique et Social à sa 17ème séance, tenue le 29 avril 1958, et modifiée par le Conseil à sa vingt-sixième session
La Commission pourra, après avoir consulté toute institution specialisée intéresée et avec l’approbation du Conseil économique et social, constituer les" organismes subsidiaires qu'elle jugera utiles pour faciliter ...
Relations with other intergovenmental organization
Consultation as a general basis in the Pact of the League of Arab States The League of Arab States was formed on 22nd March 194-5, in order to secure the co operation of member states on the basis of consultation and the ...
Resolutions adopted by the Commission at its first session.: Conference of African Ministers
Resolutions adopted by the commission at its first session are Relation with intergovernmental organizations; United Nations and multilateral economic aid to the independent States and to the territories awaiting independence ...
Terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Africa : resolution 671 A (XXV) adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its 1017th Meeting held on 29th April 1958 and amended by the council at its twenty sixth session
This document concerned about "Terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Africa : resolution 671 A (XXV) adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its 1017th Meeting held on 29th April 1958 and amended by the ...
Note from the commission of the European economic community, communicated by the representative of France
Note concerning the activities of the department of Overseas Countries and territories introduction. The work and the objects of the activities of the department are given by article 31 of the treaty of Rome. Article I of ...
Meeting of experts on techniques of development programming in Africa 30 November to 5 December 1959 in Addis Ababa
The meeting was called under the authority of paragraph 61 of the Report of the first session. The officials participating in the meeting described the state and methods of development planning, and the main problems and ...
Rapport sur la première session (29 Decembre 1958 - 6 Janvier 1959) : Commission Economique pour l'Afrique
La Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) a, lors de sa 19eme séance, tenue le 6 février 1960, adopte à l'unanimité le présent rapport annuel, qui porte sur la période du 7 janvier 1959 au 6 février 1960. Elle l'adresse ...