Implementation of the Dakar/NGOR declaration and the programme of action of the international conference on population and development
A consensus is currently emerging at the international level on the concept of sustainable development as outlined in the Brundtland report: a type of development which addresses the needs of the today's generation without ...
Rectas: blazing the trail in capacity building for geoinformation production and management for sustainable management of land ,environment and natural resources in Africa
The need for a Regional Cartographic Centre was first mooted at the 1st United Nations (UN) Cartographic Conference held in 1963 in Nairobi, Kenya. Consequently, the 8th Session of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) ...
The future orientation of geoinformation activities in Africa : an extended summary
This study is part of coordinated activities by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) to "raise awareness of African governments and other sectors of society on the importance of geographic information ...
En 1972 l'Institut des Nations Unies pour la formation et la recherche (UNITAR) a organisé à l'intention des pays africains de langue anglaise et de langue française deux séminaires régionaux sur les achats internationaux ...
United Nations training programme in industrial development and planning: final report
The purpose of the programme briefly is economic background to technicans, and technical background to economists. It was not meant to be an academic programme in which a certain amount of basic disciplines and techniques ...
Projet de budget ordinaire pour l'exercice biennal, 1980-1981
La commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique établit un budget ordinaire sur la base de son programme de travail et ordre de priorité. D’une façon générale, ce budget est conçu entre autres, comme un document ...
Review of the intergovernmental machinery of the Economic Commission of Africa : note by the secretariate
This document is a note by the secretariate of the Review of the intergovernmental machinery of the Economic Commission of Africa, of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance,Planning and Economic Development/Fortieth ...
Calendrier provisoire des Conference, Reunions, Cycles d'etudes et stages de formation pour 1969
Troisieme reunion conjointe du Groupe de travail de la CEA sur le commerce intra-africaih et du Comite"d1experts de l'OUA sur le commerce et le développement
UNTACDA II and IDDA II (1991-2000) proposed programme for co-ordination of activities
The evaluations of the implementation of the two programmes showed that despite the efforts made by the African government and their partners in development the existing transport and communications systems as well as ...
Programme de travail et ordre de priorite 1975 et 1976
Le programme de travail et ordre de priorité ci-dessous pour 1975 et 1976 est extrait du programme de travail et ordre de priorité pour 1974 et 1975 (E/CN.14/TECO/22 et Corr.1) et du projet de plan à moyen terme pour les ...