Rules of procedure of the conference of finance ministers: resolution 1 adopted at the first meeting of the preparatory meeting held on 17 July 1963
This paper focuses on Rules of procedure of the conference of finance ministers: resolution 1 adopted at the first meeting of the preparatory meeting held on 17 July 1963.
Note on the joint OAU/ECA/ADB secretariat
The main achievements of the Joint Secretariat so far include : (a) the drafting and printing of the text of the Treaty an dits wide distribution in Africa ; (b) the drafting of the protocols and their submission to the ...
Follow-up action on relevant resolutions adopted by the twenty-eighth session of the Commission / Nineteenth Meeting of the Conference of Ministers
The Conference deliberated on strategic objectives for Africa's economic development in the 1990s and reaffirmed the continued vitality of Africa's long-standing development strategy as described in the Lagos Plan of Action ...
First report of the committee of nine: first session, Khartoum 3 August 1963
This paper focused on the first report of nine.
Progress report on the utilization of UNTFAD resources in 1989 and 1990
The outlook for this decade increasingly shows that African countries have to strive hard to seek internal solutions to the economic crisis. One area which will call for more attention to this inward search for solution ...
Draft report of the preparatory meeting to the conference of finance ministers on the establishment of an African development bank
This document focuses on the draft report of the preparatory meeting to the conference of finance ministers on the establishment of an African development bank.
Tour d'horizon de la gouvernance en Afrique de l'Est : recommendations et plan d'action
La bonne gouvernance figure également à l’ordre du jour des réunions internationales depuis la fin des années 80, en particulier à la suite des résultats des programmes d’ajustement structurel (PAS) et, plus récemment, des ...
Rationalization and harmonization of ECA-sponsored institutions : phase II
The important aspect of the document is the fifth part which analyzes the issue of income-generating activities and makes proposals aimed at strengthening the financial base of the ECA-sponsored institutions through both ...
Institutional machinery of the Economic Commission for Africa : terms of reference
The Economic Commission for Africa, acting within the framework of the policies of the United Nations and subject to the general supervision of the Economic and Social Councils shall, provided that the Commission takes no ...