Statement by Mr. F.R.A. Walraven, head of the Netherlands observer delegation at the Seventh session of the Economic Commission for Africa
This statement presented by the representative of the delegation of the head of Netherlands observers MR. F. R. A. Walraven, at the seventh session of the commission. The representative on his statement outlines that The ...
Statement by the representative of the Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
This statement presented by the representative of the Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The representative states and refer to three technological services of direct interest to African conditions. The first is work is progressing ...
Expose chef de la délégation de l'UNESCO à la septième session de la Commission
Ce document traite d’un exposé de M. René Maheu, Chef de la délégation de l’UNESCO à la septième session de la Commission le 11 février 1965. Dans son allocution, il a noté que Lo Secrétariat de l'UNESCO, avec son Office ...
Discours d'ouverture du Secrétaire Exécutif
Ce présent discours d’ouverture du Secrétaire Exécutif est a l'epoque de notre réunion de 1971, des accords venaient d'être signes avec les gouvernements du Cameroun et du Ghana en vue de la création de deux nouveaux ...
Address delivered by H.E. F. Tombalbaye, President of the Republic of Chad: to the summit conference of independent African states
Address delivered by the president of the Republic of Chad to summit conference of Independent African states. The representative points out on his statement that the foundation African Unity must be laid at Addis Ababa. ...
Statement by the Deputy Executive Secretary
This statement presented by the deputy executive secretary at the seventh session of the commission. The representative on his statement points out the progress made in establishing the African Development bank a year a ...
General statement by the representative of the International Labour Organisation to the Seventh session of the Commission
This statement is given by the representative of the International Labor Organization to the seventh session of the commission. The representative points out the ILO’s activities on the African continent since the sixth ...
Eighth session: statement by the Hon. T.J. Mboya, Kenya Minister of Economic Planning and development
This statement presented by the Hon. T. J. Mboya, Kenya Minister of Economic Planning and Development at the eighth general session of the Economic Commission for Africa. The representative said on his statement that his ...
Statement by the delegation of the United Arab Republic to the Seventh session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
This statement presented by the representative of the delegation of the United Arab Republic to the seventh session of the commission. The representative on his statement points out that economic and social performance in ...
Statement by M.A. Burney observer for the International Bank for reconstruction and development
This statement presented by M.A. Burnly observer for the international bank for reconstruction and development. The representative pointed out the international finance corporation has been accelerating and expanding its ...