Mineral raw materials in Africa : bauxite and development of the aluminium industry
The present document contains information on the Mineral raw materials in Africa : bauxite and development of the aluminium industry, of the Regional Conference on the Development and Utilization of Mineral Resources in ...
The present situation with respect to the new metals and minerals : submitted by the government of United Arab Republic
Under article 3 of the explanatory memorandum of the study cycle on some new metals and minerals were mentioned the following:- beryllium, cesium, columbium, germanium, hafnium, rare-earths, tantalum titanium, yttrium and ...
Optimizing domestic revenue mobilization and value addition of Africa’s minerals: towards harmonizing fiscal regimes in the mineral sector
The report presents different options for harmonization and their implications for supporting domestic revenue mobilization and regional value chains. The report reviews experiences from other countries and regions, with ...
Contraintes et impacts des exploitations aurifères artisanales et à petite échelle dans les pays membres et les pays voisins du liptako-gourma
Les contraintes qui handicapent le développement des exploitations auriferes artisanales et a petite échèlles dans la région du Liptako-Gourma et dans la plupart de ses pays voisins sont multiples et variées.
Managing mineral wealth : training materials on management of mineral wealth and the role of mineral wealth in social-economic development
Nations richly endowed with minerals should be able to develop these resources
for their own benefit, creating opportunities for employment and regional economic
development, ultimately facilitating broader national ...
Mineral raw materials in Africa : cobalt
The present document contains information on the Mineral raw materials in Africa : cobalt, of the Regional Conference on the Development and utilization of Mineral Resources in Africa held at
Arusha, Tanzania, from 2-6 ...
Strategies for revamping African agriculture: a contribution to the compact for Africa's recovery
This paper focuses on strategies for revamping African agriculture: a contribution to “The Compact for Africa’s Recovery”. The purpose of this paper is to propose a set of policies for regenerating Africa's agriculture. ...
Mineral raw materials in Africa : Tin
The present document contains information on the Mineral raw materials in Africa : Tin, of the Regional Conference on the Development and utilization of Mineral Resources in Africa.
Africa’s minerals for development: the role of transformational leadership
The link between mineral endowment and economic growth has been debated for years. While many scholars have argued that developing countries depending mainly on primary commodities for export earnings have experienced ...
Improving public participation in the sustainable development of mineral resources in Africa
“Public participation” and “sustainable development” have become central and interconnected terms in present day development discourse. Th eir currency and pervasiveness is due, in large measure, to their adoption as ...