Mainstreaming mineral wealth in growth and poverty reduction strategies
The paper argues that poor performance is not an inherent characteristic of minerals-driven economies. It considers mineral endowments a capital that can spur growth and reduce poverty in developing countries if deployed ...
Artisanal and small-scale mining workstream : harnessing mineral resource for Africa’s transformation
Africa has more than eight million artisanal miners. This is a conservative estimate, since in many countries Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) operates informally. ASM faces a number of challenges which prevent it ...
Policy and licensing: harnessing mineral resources for Africa’s transformation
The goal of AMDC’s policy and licensing work is to create a sustainable and well governed mining sector that effectively garners and deploys resource rents and contributes to broad-based growth and development. AMDC’s ...
Assessment of mineral regimes in the East African community : aligning frameworks with the African mining vision
The African Minerals Development Center commissioned this study, with the objective of reviewing the policy and regulatory frameworks of the five East African countries (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and the United Republic ...
Artisanal and small-scale mining policy guidance for the country mining vision
In Africa, the number of people associated with ASM activities is estimated to be more than 9 million and about 50% of these are women. There are many reasons why the rural poor end up in ASM. These include historic ...