Proceedings of the fourteenth intergovernmental committe of experts (ICE) for southern Africa
The meeting proposed a number of interventions to accelerate and unlock benefits from the FTA and CU and deepen regional integration in Southern Africa. These have been summarized in a policy statement outlining a set of ...
Shipping and ports
"Policies for the development of shipping and the reduction of maritime transport costs, and the evolution of a code of conduct for the liner conference system"
UN - ECA project triangle trade and cooperatio : a feasibility study on linking the economic reconstruction of Eastern Europe with African development strategies Vienna, Austria, July 1992
This document is the result of an intensive grappling with problems of the economic reconstruction of the former communist standard models for the states of Europe. The tasks which these countries are facing are historic ...
Harmonisation des programmes sous-régionaux de libéralisation du commerce
Le présent document a pour objectif majeur d'examiner la question maitresse de la coordination et de l'harmonisation des activités des CER en vue de la libéralisation des échanges commerciaux, s'agissant notamment des ...
Climate change, trade and industrial development
Africa’s trade constitutes about three per cent of global trade. Exports are largely agricultural and unprocessed commodities from particularly resource-rich countries. Agriculture, mining and oil constitute more than 80 ...
International co-operation in the field of trade : provisional note on African positions
The Second United Nations Development Decade therefore opened with a serious worsening in the terms of trade of the region. There is reason to fear that the effect of the strong inflationary trend in developed market economy ...
Development of chambers of commerce and industry and their role in promoting south-south inter-regional trade
This brief note highlights the contribution of chambers of commerce and industry 1/ can make in
promoting Africa's trade, especially trade with other regions from the South. The note is presented in three
chapters. In ...
Draft report of the First Technical Committee Meeting of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Trade, Regional Cooperation, Integration and Tourism
The Technical Committee Meeting of the First Conference of African Ministers responsible for Trade, Regional Cooperation, Integration and Tourism was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from to 13 February, 1996. The meeting was ...
African statistical yearbook 2001 = Annuaire statistique pour l' Afrique 2001 : vol. II, Part 4 - East Africa = Partie 4 - Afrique de l'est
The 2001 African Statistical Yearbook presents data arranged on a country basis for 14 African members States. This publication which constitutes the fourth part of Volume II covers the fourteen countries in East Africa. ...
Institutional machinery for promotion of exports and intra-african trade
The biggest constraint facing developing countries in their economic and social development is the shortage of foreign exchange. Falling receipts from exports of traditional commodities and the rising burden of external ...