Note on UNCTAD II and its consequences for Africa
The first session of UNCTAD was widely thought to have laid down a number of important new principles on the basis of which detailed measures for a new international economic system could be worked out.
These measures ...
Statement made by Mr. Victor Hoo : commissioner for technical co-operation at the eights session of the Economic commission for Africa held in Lagos, Nigeria, From 13 - 25 February 1967
This paper Statement made by Mr. Victor Hoo : commissioner for technical co-operation at the eights session of the Economic commission for Africa held in Lagos, Nigeria, From 13 - 25 February 1967.
Information paper on recent developments in commodity stabilization
The worldwide character of the problems of commodity stabilization is generally realized. The African meeting on commodity stabilization held in August 1962, organized by ECA/FAO, stated in its report (E/CN.14/2O5) that ...
Projet de résolution : association des chambres de commerce africaines
Constatant que l'on manque de données commerciales satisfaisantes
sur les divers marches africains, espérant que, si une telle association est créée, les hommes d'affaires africains joueront un rôle de premier plan dans ...
Economic development of Africa: resolution 98(VI) adopted by the Commission at its 111th Plenary meeting on 28 February 1964.
This paper describes Resolution 98(VI) adopted by the Commission at its 111th Plenary Meeting on 28 February 1964. The paper explains the desire of African countries to see the creation of an African common market and the ...
International action for commodity stabilization and the role of Africa
The present report attempts to meet a part of the need for commodity studies by concentrating On the international aspects The first three sections briefly examine the general problem of commodity instability and the ...
State trading in Africa
Action du GATT concernant les problèmes de commerce et de développement
Cette activité s'est reflétée dans l'attention qui a été accordée à ces problèmes lors des négociations Kennedy, dans les travaux du Comité du commerce et du développement du GATT et dans le programme de travail coordonné ...
Issues in the area of International Trade in good and services
In the first part of this resolution, the Conference decided to entrust the UNCTAD Trade and Development Board with the organization in an appropriate existing body of an annual review of the patterns of production and ...
Commerce et finances: résolution 166(VIII) adoptée par la commission a sa 139ene séance plénière le 24 févier 1967
Ce document de résolution tenant compte des propositions faites par le groupe de travail sur le commerce intra-africain et par le comité spécial des quatorze de l’OUA sur le commerce et le développement qui se sont réunis ...