Statement made by Mr. Victor Hoo : commissioner for technical co-operation at the eights session of the Economic commission for Africa held in Lagos, Nigeria, From 13 - 25 February 1967
This paper Statement made by Mr. Victor Hoo : commissioner for technical co-operation at the eights session of the Economic commission for Africa held in Lagos, Nigeria, From 13 - 25 February 1967.
Pratiques en vigueur en Afrique concernant les statistiques du commerce extérieur
La Conférence des Statisticiens africaine, a sa neuvième session, considérant le fait qu'il y avait une demande croissante pour une analyse complète des données du commerce extérieur en Afrique sur une base régionale, et ...
Proposal for a List of selected commodities for the cmpilation of production data : prepared by the statistical office of the United Nations
This paper presents a proposal for a list of selected commodities, which might he used for the compilation of production data in the mining, manufacturing electricity and gas industries. For each commodity listed, there ...
Elaboration et amélioration des statistiques de la distribution
Les pays africains définissent la taille d'une entreprise principale Enten fonction du noirfore moyen de personnes occupées dans l'établissement pendant la période sur laquelle porte l'enquête.
Measuring import price trends in developing countries
This note briefly outlines a new UNCTAD import price trends in developing countries. The annex to the note presents trade for all developing countries and for some individual countries in Africa, America, Asia and the ...
Areas of difficulties encountered by African countries in the development of their trade statistics
For historical reasons trade statistics until fairly recently drawn up for groups of territories or countries which subsequently achieved independence individually. This applied particularly to former French West Africa, ...
Directory of electronic data processing centers in Africa
The directory of African electronic data processing centers has been prepared form information collected from the seventh biennal regional survey of data processing capabilities undertaken in 1985. It includes only the ...
Pratiques suivies par les pays en matière de rassemblement et d'établissement de statistiques des prix en Afrique
Le présent document commence par passer une revue de façon générale, les données disponibles sur les indices dans la région, telles qu'elles ressortent des réponses aux questionnaires envoyé par la Commission économique ...
Recent activities of the ECA secretariat in external trade statistics
The Economic Commission for Africa have repeatedly emphasized the importance to their studies of the development of African
external trade statistics and their international comparability. Paragraph 248 of the Commission's ...
Report of the Working Group on Price Statistics
The materials used in preparing the paper were mainly country replies to an ECA questionnaire and national and international statistical publications in the ECA library supplementing the responses by such references, some ...