Climate change and health across Africa : issues and options
This working paper lays out the current state of knowledge regarding direct and indirect impacts of environmental factors on health across Africa. While there are many uncertainties in magnitudes of climate change, ...
Contribution of working group III to the fifth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change: mitigation of climate change
Sustainable development and equity are the basis upon which climate change policies should be assessed and demonstrate the importance of reducing the risk of climate change. Policies to address climate change are interlinked ...
Eau, alimentation, sécurité énergétique: émergence d’une Afrique qui tire parti des possibilités offertes par les changements climatiques: document de travil
Les objectifs du présent document sont les suivants : Souligner l’impérieuse nécessité de réaliser les investissements et de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour résoudre les problèmes des groupes africains vulnérables ; ...
An assessment of agricultural sector policies and climate change in Kenya: Nexus between climate change related policies, research and practice
This report summarizes the findings of a recent study that focused on the links between agricultural research and climate change as documented in the policy arena in Kenya. The overall objective of the study was to assess ...
Spatial implications of climate change on land allocation and agricultural production in the Economic Community of West African States: working paper
Climate change is acknowledged to be among the most serious threats to food supply systems and their capacity to meet the growing food needs of populations. Indeed, it is predicted that agriculture in the Economic Community ...
Climate change and agriculture : analysis of knowledge gaps and needs
This paper reviews the current status of agricultural production in Africa, the role of agriculture in the economies of African countries and in poverty reduction initiatives, the production trends and the public investments ...
Policy dialogue: new approaches for climate diplomacy in Africa
The debate on security implications of climate change has gained considerable momentum over the past years. Today, there is little doubt that climate change poses one of the key challenges for global economic development ...
Meeting Africa's new development challenges in the 21st century : Issues paper
The report proposed four main strategies that African countries could pursue to usher in “self-reinforcing process of economic, political, and social development”. These strategies were: improving governance and resolving ...
ClimDev-Africa programme work plan and budget narrative 2015
ClimDev-Africa aims to construct a solid foundation in Africa for the response to climate change based on: the building of a solid science and observational infrastructure; the enabling of strong working partnerships between ...
Africa review report on drought and desertification
The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) at its Sixteenth Session 1. (CSD-16) to be held in 2008, will focus on the assessment of the progress made in implementing programs and actions on sustainable ...