African development problems and perspectives
The paper focuses on African development problems and perspectives.The Committee for Development Planning will focus its attention on the elaboration of regional and subregional aspects of the internationaldevelopment ...
Document final de la deuxième Conférence sur les changements climatiques et le développement en Afrique
L'objectif global de la Conférence était de faire fond sur la première Conférence sur les changements climatiques et le développement en Afrique afin de créer une enceinte de dialogue permettant de mieux faire connaître ...
Note conceptuelle: Conférence sur les changements climtiques et le développement en Afrique
Les effets des changements climatiques se font sentir partout et ont des conséquences bien réelles sur la vie des gens. Les changements climatiques perturbent les économies nationales en faisant augmenter les coûts et les ...
Youth responses to climate change: challenges and opportunities
The theme of this year’s conference "Youth Responses to Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities" is apt because it provided a platform for relevant stakeholders to share inputs, ideas and best practices on climate ...
Report on locust control
This paper focuses on the Desert Locust situation and control in Africa.
Nigeria's potential for the production of the new metals and minerals : submitted by the Government of Nigeria
Nigeria has been a very important producer of columbite and has recorded small annual outputs of tantalite from certain of its mineral bearing areas. We therefore welcome the opportunity of participating in this Seminar ...
African summary report on new and emerging challenges
This Africa report on new and emerging challenges aims to inform the deliberations at the Africa regional preparatory conference for the United Nations conference on sustainable development and serve as reference material ...
ClimDev-Africa financial report: (with emphasis on ACPC and CCDU)
This financial performance report, provides a narrative outlining the financial results achieved by ClimDev-Africa partners based on funds from the European Union and Norway - i.e. the Africa Climate Policy Center (ACPC) ...
An assessment of the dominant soil degration processes in the Ethiopian highlands - their impacts and hazards
It soon became apparent that soil degradation in the Ethiopian Highlands may be posing a threat not only in terms of the physical loss of soils, but also in terms of deteriorating, soil chemical fertility. This study has ...
Sécheresse et population : le cas du sahel
La sécheresse contemporaine et ses effets ont tout de même fortement accru la prise de conscience de cette dégradation qui, non seulement s'intensifie, mais étend également son emprise territoriale dans ses franges meridonales.