ADF today VII: acting on climate change for sustainable development in Africa
The Seventh African Development Forum (ADF-VII), has urged Africa to come up with a common position on climate change, and articulate it with one strong voice .having one position, and sticking to it, will help Africa in ...
Good preparations strengthen Africa's negotiating positions at COP19, experts
As negotiators and experts prepare to enter the high level segment of the 19th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP19), which opened in Warsaw this week, the mood ...
Financing climate change adaptation and mitigation actions
For Africa, the most critical climate change issue is to obtain sufficient financial support to manage adaptation and mitigation processes successfully, attend to development needs and continue to develop infrastructure, ...
Note conceptuelle: Atelier de partage de connaissances et de partenariat dans le cadre des forums régionaux sur l’évolution probable du climat
L’objectif des forums régionaux sur l’évolution probable du climat est d’aboutir à un consensus sur les perspectives climatiques saisonnières régionales dans les secteurs socioéconomiques sensibles au climat afin de soutenir ...
Les petits Etats insulaires attirent l'attention sur les vulnérabilités au changement climatique
La troisième Conférence internationale sur les petits États insulaires en développement se tiendra du 1er au 4 septembre 2014 à Apia, Samoa, mais des activités liées à la conférence seront organisées au préalable du 28 au ...
Document final de la deuxième Conférence sur les changements climatiques et le développement en Afrique
L'objectif global de la Conférence était de faire fond sur la première Conférence sur les changements climatiques et le développement en Afrique afin de créer une enceinte de dialogue permettant de mieux faire connaître ...
Ninth meeting of the regional coordination mechanism : final report
The Ninth Meeting of Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM) of UN agencies and organizations working in Africa in support of African Union (AU) and its NEPAD Programme was held at the UN Conference Center, Addis Ababa ...
Climate change and health across Africa : issues and options
This working paper lays out the current state of knowledge regarding direct and indirect impacts of environmental factors on health across Africa. While there are many uncertainties in magnitudes of climate change, ...
Africa’s journey in the global climate negotiations: a synthesis report for policy makers by ClimDev-Africa
Africa has the potential to act as the conscience of the world in global climate talks and to build important bridges between different interests in the global climate negotiations. Thus, Africa has taken its rightful place ...
African Climate Policy Center : programme strategy 2017-2021
In recognition of the challenges posed by climate change for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Africa, ECA and the Global Climate Observing System co-hosted a regional workshop to deliberate on ...