An assessment of agricultural sector policies and climate change in Kenya: Nexus between climate change related policies, research and practice
This report summarizes the findings of a recent study that focused on the links between agricultural research and climate change as documented in the policy arena in Kenya. The overall objective of the study was to assess ...
Downscaled climate analysis on historical, current and future trends in the East African community region
Understanding and confidence on climate change and its potential impacts have grown greatly over the last few years. While the evidence for climate change grows stronger, uncertainty prevails over the precise nature of ...
An assessment of Tanzania’s agricultural production, climate change, agricultural trade and food security
Agriculture is the mainstay of Tanzania’s economy. The sector contributes significantly to national GDP and export earnings, supplies raw materials for agro industries, supports rural livelihoods and feeds the urban ...
An assessment of Rwanda’s agricultural production, climate change, agricultural trade and food security
Rwanda is a small, hilly, landlocked country located in Eastern and Central Africa region between Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It is located 2° south of the Equator in Central Africa ...
A synthesis of the impact of climate change on agricultural production systems in the East African Community Region
Climate change has large influences on agriculture and thus food security, which remains heavily dependent on rainfall over Eastern Africa Community (EAC). This study sought to explore the spatial effects of climate change ...
An assessment of Uganda’s agricultural production, climate change, agricultural trade and food security
Climate change has potential impact on ecosystems globally, with enormous resultant effects on habitants. Evidence exists from observation over half a century demonstrating extreme change in climate with disasters leading ...
Impact of climate change and agricultural policy on household welfare and trade in East Africa Community
The East Africa Community (EAC) was established to widen and deepen cooperation among the EAC partner states in, among others, political, economic and social fields for their mutual benefit. One of the ways of reaping the ...
A scoping study on Burundi’s agricultural production in a changing climate and the supporting policies
Climate change will impact on agricultural production and productivity around the world and the agricultural sector will have to adapt to climate change in order to achieve global food security. The general consensus among ...